EFSD and Japan Diabetes Society (JDS) Reciprocal Travel Research Fellowship Programme

Deadline for submission of applications: 24 July 2024


The objective of the EFSD/JDS Reciprocal Travel Research Fellowship Programme is to encourage collaborative research in the field of diabetes. Applications for Fellowships may be accepted from any single, non-profit institution or group of affiliated institutions from Europe, associated countries and from Japan (for detailed country list, please see here).

The Fellowship shall be used for a scientific project, and enable applicants from Japan to travel to Europe or its associated countries and applicants from Europe or its associated countries to travel to Japan. The host institution must be a recognised research institution and applicants should have demonstrated their ability in the field of diabetes research.


Up to four Fellowships will be awarded, each in the sum of up to Euro 50,000 (fifty thousand) for the applicants from Europe or 5 million Japanese Yen for the applicants from Japan. The money awarded will be paid into the account of the recipients’ home institution.

The scientific project will be one to twelve months in length with some extra time allowed to complete a language course. The budget may include items such as salaries, travel, sustenance and consumables. The recipients must start the Fellowship within six months of notification.

Application Process

Applications may be made by any scientist or clinician who is working in a postdoctoral position, with no age restriction. Each applicant will need to provide a letter of support from both the home and the host institution. (Examples for institutions willing to accept international researchers can be found here).

All applications must be prepared on the official application form and completed in strict accordance with the detailed instructions to be found on these forms. It is prohibited to remove sections or change the application form template.

Applications which do not comply with the instructions given in the application form will be rejected.

Application forms may be downloaded here:

Application Form

Please send your application as one complete PDF email attachment to foundation@easd.org before 12:00 noon (CEST) on the deadline date 24 July 2024.


Announcement: February 2024

Application Deadline: 24 July 2024

Anticipated Award: September 2024


Enquiries should be directed to foundation@easd.org.